Unraid setup docker on cache
Unraid setup docker on cache

  • GID: a group ID to run as (if in a normal user's crontab, use $(id -g).
  • limit-rate 5000 2> /path/to/logs/youtube-dl.err > /path/to/logs/youtube-dl.log cookies /workdir/.youtube-dl-cookiejar \ download-archive /workdir/.youtube-dl-archive \ v /path/to/youtube/subscriptions:/workdir:rw v /path/to/netrc:/home/dockeruser/.netrc:ro

    unraid setup docker on cache

    Unraid setup docker on cache download#

    In order to perform a scheduled download of youtube subscriptions, it is recommended to use the following command to be executed via cron on a regular basis (eg: daily). Scheduled download of youtube subscriptions No port mappings are required for this container. The User ID that the youtube-dl process will run as The Group ID that the youtube-dl process will run as To customize some properties of the container, the following environment variables can be passed via the -e parameter (one for each variable). Thus, unless you override the output directory with the -output argument on the command line or via a configuration file, videos will end up in this directory. The youtube-dl process is executed with a working directory of /workdir. There are no data volumes explicity set in the Dockerfile, however: Container Path You can place any other configuration files within /config, and then specify them on the command line, eg: -batch-file /config/nf. The youtube-dl process automatically uses this path for caching. If this directory exists at container startup, it is symlinked to /home/dockeruser/.cache/youtube-dl at container startup. netrc file (if -netrc is specified on the command line or via a configuration file). The youtube-dl process will look in this location for a. If this file exists at container startup, it is symlinked to /home/dockeruser/.netrc at container startup. The youtube-dl process will look in this location for a configuration file by default. If this file exists at container startup, it is symlinked to /etc/nf at container startup. Mikenye/youtube-dl Configuration Files Container Path v /path/to/netrc_file:/home/dockeruser/.netrc:ro v /path/to/downloaded/videos:/workdir:rw \ It is suggested to configure an alias as follows (and place into your. NOTE: The docker command provided in this quick start is given as an example, and parameters should be adjusted to your needs. This image should pull and run on the following architectures: linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8, linux/arm/v6, linux/arm/v7, linux/386, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x. Scheduled download of youtube subscriptions.

    unraid setup docker on cache

    Note: as of 23rd November 2020, this container has reverted to youtube-dl now that the repository has been re-instated.Note: as of November 2020, this container will utilise yt-dlc.Yt-dl - download videos many online video platforms

    Unraid setup docker on cache